
Lenses to suit your lifestyle
Only quality ZEISS lenses
With all the lens manufacturers in the world, why do we prefer Zeiss lenses? That’s simple. In every measurable and significant criteria, Zeiss lenses are at or near the top of the game. Their progressive lens designs are superb, ensuring that adaption for new wearers is very fast. We find there are now very few people who can’t adapt to progressive lenses from Zeiss. And every Zeiss lens comes standard with full UV protection.

Having experienced a thorough eye exam and learned your eyes’ unique prescription, you can begin the journey to finding the perfect lens for your comfort and vision correction.
These may include added features based on your lifestyle and tastes such as:

Anti-reflective coatings
Antireflective coatings, as the name suggests, stop light from bouncing off the surfaces of your lenses, making them invisible to your own eyes and to other people. These are far nicer to look through and excellent for night driving and computer use.

Tints and Filters
Not all tints are created equal. ‘Transition’ tinting is an excellent, all purpose tint for general use. But it’s a bit useless in the car. For driving and prolonged outdoor activity nothing beats a polarized tint. Feel free to ask our friendly team about tints and other lens treatments.
These and other options may be unfamiliar to first-time glasses wearers but for people who are more accustomed to the options, every new pair of spectacles represents an opportunity to upgrade your lenses in keeping with changes to your lifestyle or general work environment.