Purely Independent, Truly Local for Over 60 years

"The best staff & best service in Bundaberg Fantabulous range of frames!"

– Kerryn Maguire

Our optometrists guide your optical journey from start to finish

"The staff were very professional & honest. Would definitely recommend them to my friends!"

– Juliet

Experience one on one quality care

At Christensen Harbison Optometrists we offer advanced technology and procedures in optometry with all of the warmth and friendly service you would expect from Bundaberg’s oldest optometry practice. Our optometrists will take time with you and guide you through our services to make sure everything’s just right. No matter what part of the process, they’re the ones getting it done, from testing to frame selection, lens choice, measurements and your final fitting at collection. That’s not something many eye-care professionals do anymore, but we believe your eyes deserve the very best.

Latest blogs

How To Clean Spectacles

How To Clean Spectacles

How to Clean Spectacles Written by Optometrist Anthony Mulvahil At Christensen Harbison Optometrists we are often asked about the best way to clean spectacles. We provide cleaning spray with all new spectacle purchases, and we'll even refill it for free when you run...

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Finding your perfect frame

Finding your perfect frame

When it comes to eye health, the prescription lenses on your glasses are seen as the most important part of the equation and rightly so. The wrong lens would do very little to correct your vision and could even cause additional problems if used regularly. Still, your...

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Farming and Eye Health

Farming and Eye Health

Working in agriculture can have both positive and negative impacts on the health of your eyes. If you’re a farmer, you likely experience the following eye care benefits simply from going about your job: Lower risk of myopia Research has shown that people who spend...

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