Specialty Services

Eye Tests

Step 1
Compile your visual and medical history as some conditions can lead to eye health issues as you age. We want to discover how you use your vision and what’s important to you

Step 2
Run a series of additional tests including retinal imaging for a full inspection of the eye to check for signs of disease or degeneration.

Step 3
Conduct visual acuity chart tests and refraction to determine your spectacle prescription. This informs your lens choices
We do all of these procedures in-house so you can ask any questions you may have at any stage. If glasses are necessary, we’ll also take you through the process of selecting the best frame fit for your prescription and personal style.
Contact Lens Consultations
After care is crucial to responsible contact lens use so we will take the time to educate you on the process required to insert, remove and maintain your lenses hygienically and check in with you to ensure you remain on track.

Children’s Testing
Children with vision impairment may not be aware of their problem because they’ve never experienced better vision but you may notice certain signs like:
- Leaning very close to books and having problems reading
- Sitting very close to televisions and other devices
- Squinting and/or rubbing eyes frequently
- Complaints of sore eyes, light sensitivity or headaches
Catching any of these issues early on allows for targeted intervention that can minimise any damage that might result. Whether these symptoms are present or not, have our friendly team guide your child through the eye examination process before they start school and continue to build the habit of consistent eye care.

Retinal Imaging
Digital Retinal Imaging gives us a painless, non-invasive way to look closely at the back of your eye. The level of detail available in the photographs that result allows us to detect eye disease much earlier and often before symptoms can be felt. By taking retinal images at different times over the course of your life, a collection of images from previous visits will exist that can be referred to if changes occur.
Accurate diagnosis at an early stage is crucial to maintaining vision or slowing decline depending on the condition that presents itself. As we age, and we become more susceptible to vision related issues, retinal imaging becomes an even more essential aspect of our eye health care process.